Our Primary Care Network
Four GP Practices have come together to make up Aldershot Health PCN, caring for a population of over 46,000 patients.
These practices are...
The Border Practice
The Cambridge Practice
Princes Gardens Surgery
The Wellington Practice
Other members of the PCN that we work in partnership with:
• Community provider partners (Frimley Community Services, Community matrons)
• Aldershot Integrated Care Team (ICT)
• Salus Medical Services (subcontracted)
• Mental Health Services
• Hampshire County Council/Social care
• Rushmoor Borough Council
• Voluntary sector (inc Family Actions)
• Secondary care
We work alongside four other PCNs in North East Hampshire and Farnham CCG: Fleet PCN, Farnborough PCN, Farnham PCN and Yateley PCN.
The PCN practices are located within the Aldershot area as illustrated on the map below:
1) Princes Gardens Surgery
2) The Border Practice
3) The Cambridge Practice
4) The Wellington Practice