Mental Health Integrated Community Service (MHICS) in partnership with Frimley ICS and SABP
This is our service improvement project. MHICS is a new team of mental health specialists working with Aldershot GPs to offer mental health support and advice to local people over 18. The service can help with brief interventions, including coping strategies, bridging patients to other useful services, access to a Community Connector with expert knowledge of local services and links to wide-ranging organisations.
The Aldershot Health PCN MHICS team comprises of:
• Simona Chereji – Clinical Lead
• Rebecca Johnson – Mental Health Practitioner
• Tara Parsons – MHICS Administrator
• Amy Billington – Community Connector
• Diana Murdoch – Community Connector
Enhanced Care Home Direct Enhanced Service (DES)
This is a phased programme of work that will bring a multi-disciplinary team approach to the care of patients in nursing homes and residential homes.
This team will include but will not be limited to. Care Home Workers, Integrated Care Team, specialist geriatrician, PCN Clinical Pharmacists as well as GPs
Additional Roles Scheme (ARRS)
The Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme entitles PCNs to access funding to support recruitment across reimbursable roles - clinical pharmacists, social prescribing link workers, physician associates, physiotherapists and paramedics. The intention of the scheme is to grow additional capacity through new roles, and to help to solve the workforce shortage in general practice.
Further Additional roles, such as Community Paramedics and Mental Health Practitioners will be added to the scheme in 2021.
Quality Improvement Direct Enhanced Services
This DES aims to see measurable improvement in the quality of care and patient experience at a national level against specific modules. The focus of the indicators and associated points is on contractor engagement and participation in the quality improvement activity both in the practice and through sharing of learning across their network. These QI’s will change annually. For 2020/21 they are Early Diagnosis of Cancer & Supporting people with learning disability.
Extended Hours Access
A PCN must provide extended hours access in the form of additional clinical appointments in accordance with this Network Contract DES Specification regardless of whether any practices within the PCN are providing any CCG commissioned extended access services in 2020/21